The final episode was particularly good: It may not have been intended as a series finale, but it had satisfying callbacks to earlier continuity, and it was nice to get references (at least visually) back to Duncan and Lilly Kane. What was saddest was watching the set-up for the next season that will never be, with Keith under investigation and likely to lose the election, back on the outs with the Neptune community; Veronica and Piz trying a long-distance relationship even as she clearly still has some feelings for Logan; even Dick starting to show some depth and actual human feeling. As Veronica walked away from the camera and the screen faded to black, it did sort of set in that that was it. Even after all the ups and downs of the past two seasons, this was still a unique and wonderful show, and I really will miss it. I'm happy to read that creator Rob Thomas is already working on new projects, and I look forward to whatever he's got coming up next.
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